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Bellaire, TX 77401

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Daily Vision Vlog: Peripheral Awareness

Jonathan Cruz, Director of Sports Vision Training at Xtreme Vision, discusses peripheral awareness and why that visual skill is important to athletes.

Peripheral awareness is the ability to see objects and moving targets that are not in your central line of vision. This is an important visual skill for athletes to have because they need to be aware of everything around them.

The sports vision trainers at Xtreme Vision Training have state-of-the-art technology to help both amateur and professional athletes improve sports vision skills. Our Dynavision Board and Senaptec Board are both used to improve peripheral awareness.

Here is a link to the peripheral awareness exercise: https://youtu.be/2SmXcubYiOY

Call us today at (713) 664-8090 if you have questions about sports vision training.

To learn more about sports vision training: https://www.xtremevisiontraining.com/

You can find all our Daily Vision Vlogs on the website here or by visiting our YouTube channel.

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