5001 Bissonnet St #107
Bellaire, TX 77401

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Myopia Awareness Week

To celebrate Myopia Awareness Week, Dr. Ashley Tucker and Dr. Aamena Kazmi are spreading important information about myopia to all our Houston eye care patients.

What is Myopia?

Myopia, also known as nearsightedness, is an increasingly common eye condition that causes patients to see blurry at a distance and clear up close.  Currently there is a worldwide myopia epidemic sweeping the globe. Cases of this condition are increasing at an alarming rate, and the World Health Organization estimates that 5 billion people – 50% of the world’s population will be myopic by the year 2050.

Myopia Causes & Risk Factors

Scientific research points to less time spent outdoors and increased screen time, as key factors linked to the growing number of myopia cases.  Myopia tends to get worse as children grow and develop.

If your child becomes severely myopic, it can put them at risk for more serious, sight-threatening diseases in adulthood, including: glaucoma, cataracts, myopic macular degeneration, and retinal detachments.

Myopia Control Options

Spending time outdoors can help prevent the onset of myopia but isn’t able to slow it down.  However, there are many options that can be used to slow down the progression of nearsightedness:

  1. Eyeglasses
  2. Soft, Multi-focal Contact Lenses
    1. 40% decrease in progression on average
  3. Orthokeratology – custom designed lenses worn overnight to gently reshape the cornea
    1. 30-60% decrease in progression
  4. Atropine – prescription eye drops used before bed
    1. 50-54% decrease in progression on average

The eye doctors at Bellaire Family Eye Care are passionate about creating a myopia control strategy that will work best for you or your child.  Call today to schedule a myopia evaluation!


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